Mengapa Harus Training CompTIA CySA+ di IDN ?
- Biaya training sudah include sertifikasi international CompTIA CySA+
- Biaya training murah dibanding tempat-tempat yang lain
- ID-Networkers sudah terdaftar sebagai authorized training partner CompTIA
- Bebas nge-lab di IDN di luar jam training khusus peserta training
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Pengenalan Training
CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) merupakan sertifikasi untuk cyber profesional yang ditugaskan untuk mendeteksi, mencegah, dan merespons insiden melalui pemantauan keamanan berkelanjutan.

Aditya Firman Nugroho (MTCNA, MTCRE, MTCINE, MTCSE, CompTIA Pentest+, NSE1, NSE2, NSE3, NSE4,)
1. Security Operations
1.1 Explain the importance of system and network architecture concepts in security operations
1.2 Given a scenario, analyze indicators of potentially malicious activity
1.3 Given a scenario, use appropriate tools or techniques to determine malicious activty
1.4 Compare and contrast threat-intelligence and threat-hunting concepts
1.5 Explain the importance of efficiency and process improvement in security operations
2. Vulnerability Management
2.1 Given a scenario, implement vulnerability scanning methods and concepts
2.2 Given a scenario, analyze output from vulnerability assessment tools
2.3 Given a scenario, analyze data to prioritize vulnerabilties
2.4 Given a scenario, recommend controls to mitigate attacks and software vulnerabilities
2.5 Explain concepts related to vulnerability response, handling and management
3. Incident Response and Management
3.1 Explain concepts related to attacks methodology frameworks
3.2 Given a scenario, perform incident response activites
3.3 Explain the preparation and post incident activity phase of the incident management life cycle
4. Reproting and Communication
4.1 Explain the importance of vulnerability management reporting and communication
4.2 explain the importance of incident response reporting and communication
Durasi Training
5 Hari (Jam Belajar Mulai Pukul 09.00 s.d 17.00 WIB Perharinya)
Biaya Investasi : Rp 8.500.000 Rp 8.000.000,-
Note: Jika membutuhkan surat penawaran dan faktur pajak, silahkan hubungi kami.